The statue of Francisco Pizarro presides over Plaza Mayor, Trujillo
The 'bread porches' of the Palacio del Marquesado de Piedras Albas, Trujillo
Left: Griffon vulture, Monfragüe National Park Right: Salto del Gitano, a popular birdwatching spot, Monfragüe National Park
A large population of griffon vultures – 600 pairs – live in Monfragüe National Park
The Tagus river cuts through Monfragüe National Park
Catedral de Plasencia is made up of two adjoining cathedrals – the old cathedral and the new cathedral
Left: The 17th century altarpiece of the new cathedral, Plasencia Right: White storks can be found nesting throughout Extremadura
The Real Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe dates from the 13th century
Left: Walking through the dehesa (pastoral managed agro-forestry) Right: Harvested cork oak tree
Cattle and Iberian pigs graze in the dehesa